Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hurray for Coffee and 2 X Chromosomes

Today's news has the results of this story showing that coffee drinkers have slightly lower death rates than non-coffee drinkers. Moreover, women drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day had a 25% lower rate of heart disease. And it didn't matter if the coffee was caffeinated or not.

The study was done with a survey of over 120,000 middle aged men and women. The editors of the journal caution that this does not mean that coffee decreases the chance of dying sooner rather than later. Something else about coffee drinkers might be protecting them. And there may be errors in measurement.

But this reminds me of another study I heard of a few months ago. In that one, they said that coffee has more antioxidant compounds than anything else in our normal diet. Could the antioxidants play a role? Hmmm.

Regardless, I don't have to feel guilt about enjoying that second cup of coffee.

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